Bishop Ian Ramsey Church of England Primary School

Celebrations and Awards

At Bishop Ian Ramsey C of E Primary School we strive to ensure that every member of our school community feels valued and respected and we are all encouraged to 'Shine as a Light in the World' (Philippians 2:15).

Our pupils grow, learn and thrive within a positive and nurturing learning environment. Celebrating success and effort is an important part of creating this positive school community and links to our core Christian values and our Christian ethos.



We celebrate success and effort in a number of ways:

Daily with Class Dojo points and specific verbal praise and stickers. Parents and carers get instant notifications of their child's achievements through the Class Dojo app.

Weekly with our Celebration Assembly every Friday where we gather together in the hall to celebrate our achievements across the week. There are three main awards for each class; Star Learner (for academic achievement), Star Behaviour (for exemplary behaviour) and the Shine as a Light Award (for showing our Christian values of respect, compassion, trust and hope to shine our light in school). We also have our Headteacher's Award for a pupil who Mr Mordue has noticed 'shining their light' across the week.

Half-termly with our Above and Beyond award. This is for one pupil in each class who has gone 'above and beyond' with their learning, behaviour and attitude across the whole half-term. As well receiving their certificate, these pupils are invited to a Hot Choc Friday, where they enjoy hot chocolate, biscuits and other treats with Mr Mordue in the Dining Hall. This award takes place in the final Celebration Assembly of each half-term.


Class Dojo rewards effort, learning and behaviour.



 Hot Choc Friday is a highlight of our half-term! This rewards children who have gone 'above and beyond' with their learning and behaviour across the half-term.


Bishop Ian Ramsey CE Primary School is part of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust. Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust is a company limited by guarantee (company number 10847279) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at The Cai Building (fourth floor), Coble Dene, Royal Quays, North Shields, NE29 6DE.