Bishop Ian Ramsey Church of England Primary School

oak Class


Mrs oliver



Autumn Term 1

Welcome to Year 6 and our class page!  On our class page we have details of our topics for this term as well as other useful information about Year 6 and websites that we use to help our learning. We love to share what we learn in school every day via our School Facebook page, so please follow us to see what we get up to. 

Mrs Oliver

What will we be learning about this half term?

English – We will be using Dracula’s Whitby (an animation) and The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.

Maths – In Maths we will begin with ration before moving on to decimals, fractions and percentages.

RE – Why do Hindus want to be good?

Science – This term we are learning all about electricity.

Art – Our topic is all based around landscapes.

Computing – We will be looking into internet blogging.

History – Y6 will be studying crime and punishment through the ages.

PE – Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday when the children will be learning handball and dance.

French – Our topic is ‘What’s the time?’

PSHE / RSE – The children will be ‘celebrating difference’.

Key information


Our arrival time each morning is from 8:45am - 9:00am and we leave at 3:15pm.


What to bring to school

Children should bring in a water bottle which they will take home each day as well as their packed lunch (if they do not receive a school lunch).  A purple school bag is the only bag that they need on a daily basis to hold their reading book, library book and homework.  Children can also bring a healthy snack to have during morning break time.  Children do not need any other equipment such as pencil cases, stationary etc as school provides everything children need.


PE days

Our PE day is Wednesday. Our other PE day is Friday for swimming.

On Wednesday, the children should come into school wearing their PE kit. They do not need to bring in their normal school uniform to get changed into, they will just stay in their PE kit all day. PE kit this year is: trainers, white PE t-shirt, purple shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms, purple hoodie or purple school jumper.

On Friday, the children should bring their swimming kit and a towel.



We have Core Homework (weekly) and Optional Topic Homework (half-termly). Please see a further explanation of our Homework approach this year in the letter below.

Oak Class Homework


Spellings Homework

Spelling practice 3x per week. Please see the attached list of words. These are the common exception words that children are expected to spell by the end of Year 6. We teach spelling patterns in school across the year as well as these common exception words, however it would be beneficial for the children to practise spelling the words on the attached list at home across the year. The websites below are a great way to practise these words at home in a fun way.

Year 5 and 6 Common Exception Words



Try to read at home 3x per week. Remember to bring your Accelerated Reader book back into school each day.


Times tables

Try to practise your times tables 3x per week. Suggested websites and apps to help to practise times tables include:


Useful websites

Visit these websites for some games to practice your English skills.

Visit these websites for some games to practice your Maths skills.

This is a useful website to practice a range of different subject areas.


Bishop Ian Ramsey CE Primary School is part of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust. Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust is a company limited by guarantee (company number 10847279) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at The Cai Building (fourth floor), Coble Dene, Royal Quays, North Shields, NE29 6DE.