Bishop Ian Ramsey Church of England Primary School


Research shows that there is a direct link between school attendance and attainment and progress. Poor attendance and missing lessons has a direct negative impact upon a child’s success in learning. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.


At Bishop Ian Ramsey, we aim to support and enable our pupils to fulfil their potential and provide them with every opportunity for a positive and successful future. Your child must be in school. In order to achieve this, parents have a responsibility for ensuring the attendance and punctuality of their child. Your child deserves the best start in life and a regular education will provide this. Every day that your child is absent from school is an opportunity missed and learning is lost. The infographic below illustrates and explains in a visual way just how important good attendance is.



Punctuality is equally important, as a child who is late is also missing out on learning opportunities.  The children must be in school between 8.45 and 9.00am, with 9.00am being the very latest time they should arrive at school.  Being punctual is also a good discipline as it supports organisation and good timekeeping - both of which are vital skills for the future. A pupil arriving late for school not only misses learning but also causes disruption for the other pupils in class.


Being 5 minutes late each day is the same as missing 3 whole days of school.

Being 15 minutes late each day is the same as missing two whole weeks at school.


Working with you

Parent and carer support is crucial in ensuring that children achieve in education.  At Bishop Ian Ramsey, we work closely with families to support them to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children and this includes help in improving pupil attendance and punctuality.  Please do come in and talk to us if this is an area that you would welcome some support with.


National changes to attendance (from September 2024)

The Department for Education (DfE) new statutory framework ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ has been updated and has full details on the changes which will come into force on 19th August 2024, which all schools must adhere to. In particular, it is important that parents and carers understand the changes to Penalty Notice Fines in relation to unauthorised school absence. The laws around school absence have been strengthened within this new framework and so it is vital that as parents and carers you are aware of the implications of this when considering term time holidays and absences during term time. Please see below for important documents with regards to the new attendance changes.

Headteacher covering letter - attendance changes

DNDLT letter - attendance changes summary

DfE framework - Working Together to Improve School Attendance


Attendance Policy

It is essential that parents and carers read our Attendance Policy and are aware of our attendance procedures. Please see below for our Attendance Policy. A paper copy is also available upon request via the School Office.

Attendance Policy 2024-25


Bishop Ian Ramsey CE Primary School is part of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust. Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust is a company limited by guarantee (company number 10847279) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at The Cai Building (fourth floor), Coble Dene, Royal Quays, North Shields, NE29 6DE.